Experimental Stuff
How (and Why) I Built My Arcade Cabinet
This is the story of how (and why) I built an arcade cabinet
This is the story of how (and why) I built an arcade cabinet
Ciao a tutti! Sono qui per raccontarvi la mia avventura nella costruzione di un cabinato Arcade da sala giochi completamente homemade che ho battezzato Bekabinato Piccola premessa Sono nato nel 1981 quindi ho potuto vivere gli anni 90 in piena adolescenza, uno dei luoghi di ritrovo e di divertimento tipico Leggi tutto…
PROJECT INFO: Project name: In Space We Brawl Category: Multiplayer Shooter Client: Forge Reply Developer: Forge Reply Platforms: PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One / PC / Fuze Technologies : Unity 3d My role: Lead Game Designer / Game Developer PlayStation Store link: https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/games/in-space-we-brawl/cid=UP4523-CUSA01386_00-INSPACEWEBRAWL01 Launch Trailer:
PROJECT INFO: Project name: Suicide Space Maze Category: Arcade Technology: Unity 3D Platforms: Web My role: Game Programmer / Game Designer [button link=”https://www.bekamaster.com/demo/SSM/” newwindow=”yes”] PLAY THE GAME[/button]
PROJECT INFO: Project name: Herrshaft Category: Shoot’em up Technology: Flash / Action Script 3.0 Platforms: Web My role: Project Manager / Game Programmer / Game Designer